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“Before you can become a leader, you first have to become who you are.” - Inspired by Warren Bennis


You have reached your leadership development destination: 
the African American Leadership Academy (AALA).

   What is the African American Leadership Academy?   

We are a community-based leadership development program. Entrance into the African American Leadership Academy is by invitation. Individuals accepted into the Academy are called “Fellows.” Our Fellows come with a demonstrated excellence in their profession, a commitment to public or community service and a desire to succeed.

By design, we create rich and authentic development experiences. They include up-close and personal engagement with some of the city’s most visible leaders. Fellows graduate from the Academy with a sharper focus on understanding their own leadership style and strengths. In addition, they have a clearer strategy on adding more value in their workplace and a deeper commitment to community service.

We reach across the business, non-profit, government, education and entrepreneurial sectors of our community to form each class. Building a diverse class produces a learning environment that engages our Fellows in both new and different realms of thinking.

The African American Leadership Academy expands the number of African American leaders who excel in their professions and engage in community service in central Ohio. Our work reshapes the future landscape of leadership and broadens awareness of African American leadership beyond the borders of commonly tapped leadership circles.

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